Sunday, April 30, 2006

Commission #2

This is a commission for Julia (all the way in Paris, woo!) of Harry Potter's Tonks and Lupin. A cute but odd coupling in how despite their devotion to truth, justice, and saving the world these two have practically nothing in common! Oh well, Lupin's my favourite character in the series so I can't blame her for fallin' for him... the ol' werewolf stud.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Simply Potterific #20

For those of you who're following my Simply Potterific comics, I've FINALLY updated with a new comic! Click on the title link to go directly to my page to see it.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Christine, Christine...

I was cutting 11x17 paper down to make proper size animation paper at work, and was left over with maybe 60 11"x3" sized papers. I didn't really want to chuck em in the recycle bin as I figured I could find a use for them. So I've decided to make a booklet of pinups based on characters and costumes I find to be beautiful... all in pencil crayon (the medium I used to use before I discovered photoshop). This is Christine's costume in the theatrical Phantom of the Opera, (during the "Point of no Return" song) which I found interesting because of its shifting balance between innocence and sexuality. Her feet are stupidly placed but I kind of slapped em on as an afterthought anyway... I also need more practice with hands and fabric and figuring out all that colour theory of a figure we learned briefly in life drawing...

More to come!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yeaaah... it's best not to ask...

I was in a weird mood when I did this... I think she represents whatever it was that was holding me back from doing my own drawings for so long... now that I've kicked her out of my system I actually feel ready to start again.
And I cleaned the HECK out of my room, and anyone who knows me well knows that means I'm ready to get back on track with things.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Eleven years of sheer punky-ness

Lil' sisters birthday! Lil' sisters birthday! It's 10:14 pm so HOPEFULLY she's in bed right now and won't see this posted before her birthday tommorrow... I was just so excited to put it up cuz I wuv her to bits!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

SBOR update

Hey everyone! Shagster's updated the SBOR show (link to the right) with new easy to navigate sections and all the classic (and mostly hilarious) slightly bent and odd stories! Check out his radio play "silly kingdom" or his dense detective story "charlie branton: trouble at the docks" as well as his numerable silly skits and fake commercials (and a stop motion short with the soldiers from Halo).