Sunday, August 27, 2006

Simply Potterific #23

Clicky the title link-ee!
And yes, even though I like the Marauders I do acknowledge they were a bunch of jerks...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Long time no blog!

Yes, AS you can see by this post my computer is finally hooked up to the internet! FINALLY! The past few weeks have been wonderful and wonderfully busy. I'm pretty much all settled back at home and into my new job. Iggy Arbuckle is such an adorable show, really cute and funny. I'm very much enjoying myself working there.
ALSO, Shrub Monkeys will be joining the lineup at, a lady friendly comic site, so that's very exciting for me and Steven! We're set to update every tuesday, so that'll be an awesome kick-in-the-rear for my usual procrastinatory self... (I think that's a made up word)...
Here's 2 more "Ben Bear-esque" illos I did, one as an "I'm back! So feed me and do my laundry!" gift to my family, and the other a farewell pic for my Ottawa roomate Andrea.I actually REALLY did kick her door down once. The door had gotten stuck due to age and poor workmanship so I had to use my years of ancient kung fu training to save the day. I splintered the wood and bent the locking mechanism and everything, but the wierd part is it was actually alot of fun...